Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Game Demo Presentation

We've been working on our game demo presentation for the last couple of days. My team and I are working hard and are accomplishing a little bit every day. Personally I've accomplished a better understanding of how much time it takes to make a game or game demo, that it doesn't just happen over night. I also realized that we have to use our time wisely in order to get everything done in two weeks because that's not as long as it sounds. The easiest thing we've done is probably drawing everything out on our paper layouts. The hardest thing, i think, is knowing what frame to start on and where to put everything and how to get it on the slide. All my team members are helping equally and it helps a lot when there are 3 people working on something. What my team and I are going to do now is just work on getting all our drawings we did in flash onto our game demo and adding more slides.

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