Friday, May 28, 2010


I think our biggest accomplishment was finishing the whole demo. It was a lot of work. My biggest struggle was action script and putting in the key frames. It was difficult at times and I got aggravated many times. My favorite part about this class was drawing in flash because it was easy and fun. I didn't like that we had to work through AA because I often wanted a break from the class. I would tell a new class to PAY ATTENTION and work hard because it's a lot of work and it isn't always easy. I liked that we got to show everyone how our whole demo came together and how much work we put into it! I had a lot of fun this semester!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We will be practicing our presentations soon and we still have a couple things left to do. I think practicing our presentations will help a lot just in case one of our team members is absent the days we present. Our game demo is basically done we just have to add sound and a few buttons. We've made a lot of progress in the past week or so and got a lot done. The thing I'm most worried about is that we mess up doing the presentation or realizing we did something wrong on the game demo. Adding the rest of the buttons is not a problem at all, now we just have to finish those and learn how to do sound. After that we need to look over everything to make sure its like we want it then we will be finished until we present. I will be relieved when we're done presenting because I will have time to see what I actually made instead of working on it every day. It's been a lot of work but I think my team and I will be happy with the end result!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Demo Update2

We have overcome our biggest struggle somewhat. It's making the scenes work correctly. Almost all of the scenes are working properly but the last few aren't. They seem to go by really fast or skip. We did however accomplish our goals for this week. We got a lot of scenes done and added more frames. We also put our updates on our team page this week. It was a lot of work because we want it to be good and we only have so many days to get everything done. Our goals for next week will be to get all the scenes and buttons working right and to try to add sound. I think all my team members have all been working hard on this and we all have done something whether it was adding key frames or trying to get the buttons to work. It's tough when we can't get things to work and we get frustrated but we get over it and try again until it works. I'm confident with what we have so far but I think we will have a lot more done next week.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Demo Update

We have accomplished a lot since last week. We added 3 new layers and have all the other ones working. Our biggest struggle is putting in key frames because sometimes we can't get the scenes working and it gets very frustrating! I think that everything we've done was a big accomplishment and I learned a lot. We're still learning though and I hope to get more scenes in this week also. It will be challenging but a good learning experience. Our game demo is on our team page

Friday, April 30, 2010


This week I would like to get more layers put into our game demo. It will make the game demo a lot better than it is now when we get new layers and scenes in. As of yesterday we finished the scenes we already had and are now in the works of adding new ones. If we keep working hard like we are now then our demo will be finished by the deadline. It's a lot of work but it's coming along. Everyone in my team works well together which makes assembling this game a lot easier on all of us. As a team member I think I could try to figure out how to do something by myself so that we save time by not having to stop every couple of minutes to figure something out. The first major thing we need to get done is adding all the layers in to insert the drawings from our game. Second, adding all the key frames, and third is getting all the buttons on and working. Once we get all those things together it won't take us long to get this game together.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Game Demo Presentation

We've been working on our game demo presentation for the last couple of days. My team and I are working hard and are accomplishing a little bit every day. Personally I've accomplished a better understanding of how much time it takes to make a game or game demo, that it doesn't just happen over night. I also realized that we have to use our time wisely in order to get everything done in two weeks because that's not as long as it sounds. The easiest thing we've done is probably drawing everything out on our paper layouts. The hardest thing, i think, is knowing what frame to start on and where to put everything and how to get it on the slide. All my team members are helping equally and it helps a lot when there are 3 people working on something. What my team and I are going to do now is just work on getting all our drawings we did in flash onto our game demo and adding more slides.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Working in Flash

We've been working in flash for a few weeks now and it's been a lot of work! We've learned how to insert frames and key frames,add font,color,sound,and buttons. There's a lot in flash I can do on my own like putting a background color on, typing, and drawing. The stuff that confuses me is the frames and key frames and action script. I'm always confused about where to insert a frame, when to put the action script in and how to make scenes stop at certain places. My game demo skeleton is making some progress, but not as much as I would've liked. My buttons don't work because I click them and they disappear. I'm trying to fix them by making sure every scene has the right action script in it and I'm putting everything in the right layer. I haven't fixed it yet but I'm trying.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Yesterday I learned how to add sound to my game. I thought it was just a little confusing at first. I learned how to make the sound you want to work and what procedures you have to take to do that. I would like to add some fun sounds for getting the correct answer and some sounds that are not so cheerful if they get the wrong answer.I think the most important reason to have sound in a game is to make the game fun for the player! If it had no sound for me, it would be really boring and I would want to quit the game. Even if it's a learning game like we're doing I still think it should have sound. Every game I have played has had sound. Some games had better sound and music than others but they all had it. The sounds I like the best are the ones that are in Nintendo games like Mario Brothers. These sounds are the most appealing to me and I enjoy the game more when I hear cool music and sounds.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Game Skeletons

I thought the live session with Meredith went really good! It was a little confusing at first but because the connection kept dropping but once everything got situated I started understanding what she was talking about. She showed us a lot in 45 minutes and it was a lot to take in. We learned about how to insert and remove frames and key frames in flash. We also got to learn how to make the scenes start and stop on different frames. I think its interesting how it takes so much stuff to make a computer game! Making our game skeletons wasn't that bad. After putting in the frames and key frames I was more comfortable with what we were doing. I made a few mistakes with my game skeleton but once Mrs. Forinash and Mrs. Frenzel helped me I accomplished what I needed to. We published our game skeleton to our projects page on our wikis and began to make buttons for our game skeletons. I learned a lot and I think this will help me a lot when making my game!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Working in flash

Yesterday we worked in flash and it was a lot of fun! I learned a lot while we worked in flash. I learned how to change the background color and how to save things as symbols. At first I was a little confused because I didn't know how to work anything but then I began to understand how everything worked. The inspiration for our game were the kids in our math class. Some of them had trouble with volume and we wanted to help them understand it better with this game. It's going to take a while to make the whole thing because we have to make several scenes and make things move and pop up. I enjoy working in flash though, because you can be really creative. The game we're making is exactly how we had planned to make it, and I hope everyone will enjoy it when we finish it!
Correct Formula-Cylinder

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Yesterday we picked roles for our teams and did our team page. I got the role of artist/visual/sound person. Sammie is the coder/action script person and Branden is the Project manager. We all got along great when we decided who would do what and never argued. It was a very simple process. I'm looking forward to drawing the pictures for the game and just putting the whole game together. I think it will be a very fun experience. The inspiration for our game was our classmates. Some of them struggled with finding volume and we wanted to help them. I think our game will help our classmates a lot and I hope they like it!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Paper Prototype Reflection

Yesterday we did our paper prototyping video. Branden recorded while Sammie and I went through the steps. It took a good amount of tries to get the video like we wanted. When we did it the first couple times, I recorded while Sammie went through the steps. It was difficult in the beginning because when we would get to a certain step and mess up. So we decided to switch and I went through the steps while Sammie recorded. When I got to the same step Sammie was on when she messed up I totally forgot what I was going to say. This happened a few more times until we decided that both me and Sammie would talk and go through the steps while Branden recorded. This helped a lot. We did mess up a couple more times but the last one we did we felt pretty confident with. I liked that we all worked together to make our video because we felt like a team. I thought the video we made was very good and I hope everyone agrees!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Team Expectations

Yesterday we got our teams to make our games. The team I'm in consists of three people, Sammie, Branden, and myself. We call our team The Dream Team! The game idea we're going to focus on is volume. All of us felt this was a good math subject to focus on for our game. We assigned parts for each other to make it easier but also make sure everyone has an equal share in the game. I will be the artist, Sammie will be working with the codes in flash, and Branden will be the dealing with finding the resources. I think if we all work together on this and work hard we will have a great game. I think the team I'm in is going to work because we all get along. We have some idea of how we're going to make our game and I think that will become clearer as we begin the game making process. I'm very excited to start our game!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Game Idea Reflection

I learned a lot by writing and practicing in flash. I learned how to change the color, and the size of text. I also learned how to change the style of the text. This has made me learn a lot because when we start our games I'll know a few things and it will be easier to get started. You can also change the backround color of your text to make it pop out more. I also learned what some of the symbols meant and how to use them. I liked knowing what the symbols were and how to use them because now I'll be able to use what I learned in my game. I also learned how to publish what I type on flash to my wiki and I thought that was pretty easy. I'm really excited to learn how to add the sounds to our games when we make them. I think it will make our games more fun and interesting! Making our games will be a fun experience and I'm excited to learn a lot more about flash as we begin making our games! Game Idea

Friday, March 12, 2010

Games We Play

I don't really play games too often, but the one I have played that is really close to my mini game is pac man. In my mini game you have to move the bunny so it will eat the carrots and your points go up. Pac man is very similar because you have to have move the pac man around to eat dots and your points go up. They're both very easy games to play and very fun. Also,when I play these games to make the bunny or pac man move I have to use the arrows on the computer keyboard. Another game I have played I've also had to use the computer keys to make an action happen. One game I've played, I have to move the arrow keys right or left and then hit the up arrow button to make the ball hit two or more other ones and the pop. I liked all of these games and they were all very fun! Minigame

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mini Game Project

I thought working on our mini games yesterday and the day before was difficult at times. I think it was difficult because there were so many steps to follow and the directions were hard to understands at times. I did like working on them though because i learned a lot. I learned how to add new layers, make the objects move faster, and make make my bunny eat the carrot to make my score go up. First we had to make all the objects a movie clip. To do that we had to put a box around each object then change it to a movie clip. The layers weren't hard to add, but I had to remember when I was puting actions in the actions window i had to be in the actions layer too in order for it to work. I think making our games will be fun but challenging too. I am very excited to make them!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Flash Introduction

Today I read the introduction to flash layers. It looks like if might be a bit tricky to do at first, but also fun. To me it kind of looks like Microsoft Word but a little different. The Introduction was very helpful because it told me what all the symbols mean that we will be using. It also told me where everything is located. The part that I think will be hard is having to draw pictures with a computer mouse. Computer mouses only turn so far and I think using the mouse will be hard to use at first until we get used to it. The thing I think will be easiest is organizing everything. I say this because you can put different pictures in different layers and it won't mess up any of the other pictures. I can't wait to make our games !

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blogs I Follow

I chose Math Help, Lets Play Math, and Watch Math Blog as my 3 blogs. I chose these because I think they are blogs that can help everyone with math. Math Help is a blog that can give you ansers to any section in math and can give you examples on how to solve problems. Lets Play Math is a blog that tries to help you understand math but also have fun while your doing it. It also plays around with k-12 mathmatics. Watch Math Blog is a blog that discusses how to solve math problems and also gives math videos to look at also. I feel these blogs can help everyone understand math better in a funner way. I liked that they all had a description their blog sound fun and not boring!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Social Issue Review

Yesterday our class we went to choosing a topic and wrote some responses to social issues in our community. The topics we wrote responses to were enviorment,health,civic participation,education, and poverty. A lot of the games we have played in the past couple of weeks have to do with these social issues. I learned that these social issues go on all over the world and not just here. Writing the responses yesterday made me realize that the particular social issues I mentioned have a big impact on the way we live.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Game Review

Today was an easy day but I learned a lot. We learned how to post our game reviews to our wikis and how to add color to the font. I liked being able to add color to our font because it makes it look more interesting. I thought learning how to add color was quite easy; I enjoyed it. Playing games was really fun and some were more challenging than others. I didn't like the fact that certain games didn't explain what you were suppose to do, and it got confusing at times.The game I thought was the funnest was the Consumer Consequences. I ansered several questions about my lifestyle and then the game took that and showed me how many earths humans would need to survive If they lived the same lifestyle I do. Slider Puzzle was fun too. I had to take mixed up pieces of a picture and move them so it looked like the picture that they gave you.This was very fun and I enjoyed it a lot!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Globaloria Week 2

This week and last week I learned a lot of new things. I learned how to upload videos, pictures and a lot more. The thing I found most interesting this week was being able to upload pictures to our wikis and also being able to link the blogs from the other kids in the class. I would like to learn more about the html code because I will be able to add more things to my wiki and understand it more. I also liked being able to add backround colors so that everything is colorful and attracts people to read what you have to say. I also liked learning how to edit our learning logs and how to add text to that.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blog Review

Today I got to read other kids blogs and they were very interesting. On their blogs they had pictures that went with what they were talking about and links to games. I read a blog written by a girl named Emily who goes to Sandy River Middle School. In her blog she wrote about the jobs she's interested in and games she's played that were interesting to her. She also had pictures that went with the subject she was talking about. Overall I thought she had a very nice and organized blog!